The bountiful fruits of Fall spill forth from the earth every year at this time and yet, they never cease to amaze. How splendid are the organic heirloom tomatoes, bursting with flavor and the nuance of the land on which they were grown?

And the tri-colored peppers, all ready for pickling or just to be eaten raw if you like things spicy.
Oh and what of the Japanese eggplant, purple-hued, firm and delicious when roasted with fresh garlic and rosemary?
The wild young ginger is such a welcome treat, as well. Sweet, pungent scents wafting from both the root and the stem...
And what to do with all those apples? Make a pie of course. Or two or three! Sure, you can always save time and buy a delicious pie from the local farmer's market.
But there's nothing like homemade.
And one is never enough.
And some times, neither is two...
Potatoes, too, are in ample supply during the autumn months. One of the most exciting things to do with a surplus of these root vegetables is to make gnocchi. Find a good cookbook to walk you through it and you'll be on your way.
Granted, it is a time and labor intensive process, but the yield in yumminess makes it all worth it.
These bundles of pillowy succulence will delight you on many a Fall evening, guaranteed.