Daily Yoga is also an amazing inspiration for the Divine eternal self that we are in our essence. It creates synergy within and allows us to re-balance ourselves before the start of each day. The feeling after doing just a few Yoga poses is nothing short of euphoric. What an energetic thrill the Bow pose was for me this morning.
I love to use all natural skin care products to beautify my body. Our skin absorbs what we put on it and so it is vital that we stay away of from chemical-laden, toxic potions and lotions. My philosophy is if I can't recognize the ingredients as pure whole foods, herbs or vitamins, then It's not for me. This is one of the most amazing and versatile products and I absolutely love it. Dr. Bronners Magic Castile Soap
During this next seven days while I do the Raw Cleanse and Detox, I will eat only living foods. That includes all uncooked fruit, vegetables and nuts/seeds. I plan to have only juices for breakfast and fruit for lunch, then a big delicious grren salad for dinner. And of course, lots of water. This is what a typical day of meals looks like for me. A freshly juiced spinach, carrot, ginger and parsley dream.
A heavenly fruit medley for lunch.
And a hearty green salad loaded with tons of vegetables, avocado and a delicious homemade dressing
I tend to enjoy having a snack in the evening and here are some healthy choices that I love. Raw organic cashews by Better Than Roasted Totally Nutz are incredible and they are soaked and sprouted which makes them easier to digest!
This Laver Marine Coast Sea Vegetable snack is incredible and fulfills any craving for salty chips or tortillas. And it's soooo good for you with all the trace minerals, especially iodine for balancing the Thyroid. Children love it, too!

And these Gopal's Power Wraps are a simple, delicious and convienent snack when you are on the go. They are made of 100% organic and raw sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, Nori, lemon and cayenne.
If you love peanuts, but have been scared off by all the peanut allergy reports. Try these Wildcrafted Organic Jungle Peanuts
! They taste unbelievably good and do not have the aflatoxin mold that is the culprit in many allergic reactions caused by peanuts!
And since I am on the go a lot and don't want to miss out on my healthy meals, I use this To-Go Ware Tiffin Box
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